
Handwriting Competition

Handwriting Competition 

Handwriting Competition organised by NEW EDUCATION SCHOOL was held on 12th July 2021. Students from class 1 to 9 participated in the Handwriting Competition.

Paragraph was sent to the group by respective class teachers at 10 am. Students were asked to submit the paragraph by 1 pm. Teachers were asked to give the names of winners by 7 pm. The names of the winners were sent by the respective class teachers to Ambrin ma’am (English medium) and Jenish ma’am (Gujarati medium).

The names of the winners were selected on the basis of capital letters, full stop, comma, question mark, exclamation and neat handwriting.


1STD 1ERasoliwala Abdulqavi
2STD 2EMansuri Afifa
3STD 3EMansuri Sahad
4STD 4EKhanwala Aayesha
5STD 5EShaikh Tahura
6STD 6EParmar Rushika
7STD 7EShaikh Asmira
8STD 8ERangwala Munira
9STD 9EKucheriwala Asim